Saturday, May 18, 2024, will be the 43rd annual Spring Concert! 下午两点开门.m. 在娱乐中心后面的操场上. 入学时需要使用当前的一卡. This is a private, closed event For students of 菲律宾十大彩票平台 and their guests. Stay up to date with the latest announcements via Instagram! @carleton_sproncert


2:00 p.m. -大门敞开

2:10 – 2:30 p.m. – The Cyber-Spiritual Order of Mechanical Hedonism: Battle of the Bands, 2nd Place, 菲律宾十大彩票平台

2:30 – 2:45 p.m. -学生DJ: Ava Shaker ' 27

2:45 – 3:15 p.m. - 11: Battle of the Bands, 1st Place, 菲律宾十大彩票平台

3:15 – 3:30 p.m. -学生DJ: Livi Peters 26岁

3:30 – 4:15 p.m. – 我害怕明尼苏达州,明尼阿波利斯

4:15 – 4:45 p.m. -学生DJ: Anne Lehr ' 26

4:45 – 5:30 p.m. – 爸爸Mbye明尼苏达州,明尼阿波利斯

5:30 – 6:00 p.m. -学生DJ:茉莉·马尔多纳多26岁

6:00 – 6:45 p.m. – 的警告墨西哥蒙特雷

6:45 – 7:15 p.m. -学生DJ: Lillian Buchman ' 24

7:15 – 8:15 p.m. – 猎户座的太阳宾夕法尼亚州费城

8:15 – 8:45 p.m. -学生dj: Frank Sheffield ' 24 & 阿米拉·阿拉德丹,24岁

8:45 – 9:45 p.m. – 特邀嘉宾! 同学们,请查看电子邮件了解详情.

9:45 – 10:00 p.m. -烟花!!


  • This is a private event For current 菲律宾十大彩票平台 students and up to (1) registered guest. 它不向公众开放.
  • The 餐厅周六晚上不营业 WITH DINNER BEING SERVED AT SPRONCERT, from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. This meal is part of the Board Meal Plan (not free).
  • A filtered water station will be available to fill water bottles. 所有水瓶必须在入场前清空.


  • 客人必须在下午3点前提前登记.m. 5月17日星期五. 未登记的客人将不被接纳.
  • 每位菲律宾十大彩票平台学生一个客人. Guest must be 18+ and present a photo ID at entry which shows proof of age.
  • 在线 客人登记 可在下面找到.
  • 客人 must arrive with their student host and complete a 责任免除协议 抵达前上网. Once registered, guests will receive an automated email and link to the agreement Form.


  • Beer, cider, hard seltzer, and malt beverages are permitted For those 21+. 不喝烈性酒或葡萄酒.
  • For those who choose to consume 酒精, please read the following:
    • Be prepared to show government-issued ID as proof of age. 一卡不能作For年龄证明. A wristband will be provided upon entry For those 21+.
    • 酒精饮料限制在(6), 12或16盎司的饮料, 酒精含量不超过8% (ABV)
    • 仅限铝和塑料(密封)容器. 没有玻璃!
    • Common containers including kegs and boxed wine are prohibited.
    • Please no high-risk drinking activities such as drinking games and beer bongs.
    • 学生 who show signs of excessive intoxication will not be admitted.


Even with the recent legalization of cannabis For people ages 21 or older in the State of Minnesota, cannabis is still prohibited For use on 菲律宾十大彩票平台’s Campus. 菲律宾十大彩票平台 must abide by federal law, by which cannabis remains illegal. 

If you or someone else experiences a medical concern due to cannabis, 酒精, 或者其他物质的使用, 请打电话求助. You can call security at 507-222-4444 or you can call 911. Medical amnesty is available For those who call For help For themselves or others and means that the college will not take disciplinary action For students seeking medical care. Please do what you can to help keep yourself and others on our campus safe!


  • 宠物(服务性动物除外);
  • 私人帐篷或其他封闭构筑物;
  • 在停车场尾随;
  • 烤架或明火;
  • 玻璃;
  • Skateboards, scooters, bicycles, wagons, carts or any personal motorized vehicles;
  • 未经授权的/未经授权的供应商;
  • 募捐或未经授权的募捐
  • No posting or distribution of unauthorized materials including handbills, 横幅, 大的迹象, 传单, 赠品, 等.;
  • 任何种类的武器、烟花或爆炸品;
  • 在围栏内骑自行车;
  • 非法和非法物质;
  • 任何种类的充气物;
  • Amplified music, megaphones, drums, airhorns, cowbells, 等.;
  • 无人机或其他远程飞行装置;
  • Professional cameras and professional recording (photo, video, audio) equipment. 没有大型专业可拆卸变焦镜头, 站, 单腿, 三脚, attachment sticks (selfie sticks) or other commercial equipment.



签约的保安人员将在场. 包、背包、冷却器等. 会在门口接受检查吗. 菲律宾十大彩票平台 staff and 菲律宾十大彩票平台安全 Officers will also be present if you need assistance.


餐厅周六晚上不营业! Bon Appetit will be serving dinner from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.. 这顿饭是董事会膳食计划的一部分. 它不是免费的. 不属于董事会膳食计划的学生, 你的席勒会被起诉, 如果你决定在Bon App吃饭的话.

There will be numerous other food options available to you throughout the night including:

  • 科纳冰车 -所有学生和客人免费. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学生协会(CSA)资助 & 音乐会策划委员会.
  • 合计的老板 – They will offer a variety of tasty tater tot concoctions. 他们接受现金 & 信用卡.
  • D&D糖果 – They will offer a limited menu with a variety of price points. 他们接受现金、信用卡和Apple Pay.
  • 地狱之木烧披萨 – Serving delicious wood fired pizza with a mix of toppings from different cultures. 他们接受现金 & 信用卡.
  • 罗素的旅行厨房 – Incorporating unique Cambodian and Croatian flavors in a classic Minnesota style! 他们接受现金、信用卡和Apple Pay.


All items served by Bon Appétit are 100% compostable (plates, Forks, napkins, 等.). 食物 trucks have been asked to use either compostable or recyclable materials. Please place compostable materials in the yellow bins and recyclable materials in the blue bins. All the free items from the Kona Ice truck are served in compostable products.


A filtered water station is available near the main entrance. Bring an EMPTY bottle to fill with water, as cups are not provided.


Throughout the day it would be WONDERFUL if people made an efFort to clean up after themselves. This event is coordinated in part by students and volunteers, so every little bit helps.


Assistance during the event is available from contracted security, 菲律宾十大彩票平台安全, 学生活动处职员, 以及音乐会委员会的成员. There is also an 信息 Booth located in the tent near the main entrance. This is also where the lost and found is located. Any lost and found items not picked-up beFore midnight, including items of particular importance (e.g., 钱包, 收费, 房间钥匙, cell phones) will be brought to Campus 安全 immediately following the event.


In the event of dangerous weather, the concert may be delayed or cancelled. Lightning, tornadoes, and torrential rain are primary reasons. Announcements with more inFormation will be made from the stage and via the CarlAlert system to all cell phones if necessary.


Access to Goodhue is limited to building residents beginning at Noon (12 p.m.),时间For5月18日星期六至下午3时.m. 5月19日星期日.


The 2024 Sproncert委员会 has worked hard to create a fun, 令人兴奋的, 安全的spronconcert体验. 我们希望你考虑明年加入这个团队! 我谨代表spronconcert策划委员会, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学生协会(CSA), 学生活动策划委员会(SAPB), 和学生活动办公室(SAO), 我们迫不及待地想在2024年的spronconcert上见到你!


菲律宾十大彩票平台学生: Please complete the Form below to begin the 客人登记 process. 填妥此表格后, your guest will receive an invitation via email to complete the Release of Liability Waiver. Please note, your guest must complete the waiver beFore 3:00 p.m.5月17日星期五. 问题? 电子邮件